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產業類別 / 產品設計產業,視覺傳達設計產業,
單位名稱 / 西屹設計有限公司
負 責 人 / 西屹設計有限公司
電 話 / 06-2410032
地 址 / 708台南市安平區安北路115號
西屹設計有限公司 1996年成立於臺灣深具人文特色的古老城市─臺南市安平地區,為一專業的產品開發公司,具有深厚的人文性產品思考。

bod Design Corp. was established in 1996 in one of Taiwan’s ancient and culturally enriching region, Anping district of Tainan City. As a professional product design company, it takes a thorough humanistic approach and philosophy to its products.

The main business of Bod Design is to conduct design as per client’s request for company logo, name card, package, catalogue, and consumable products including luminaries, kitchen appliance, aircraft tableware, yacht, fishing tackle, car & scooter accessory, dining tableware, computer peripherals, audio equipment, telecommunication equipment, stationary, table and chair for office/household/public area, jewel accessory, bedding, toiletry, gardening equipment, pet supplies, various functional bottle, building electric equipment, factory equipment, maternal-infant care product, child playground equipment, solar equipment, public lighting equipment, medical equipment, display equipment, and so on.

Bod Design Corp. values every product it designs for clients. We design value-infused products that can quickly tap into market profits and at the same time embody thought-provoking significance.