* 「本平台僅提供資訊交流,如有商業行為之產生應自行洽談,本平台不負責該商業行為下所產生之任何消費問題,買賣雙方應自行負責,與本平台無關。」
產業類別 / 視覺藝術產業,產品設計產業,視覺傳達設計產業,創意生活產業,
單位名稱 / 好綻設計有限公司
負 責 人 / 好綻設計有限公司
電 話 / 886-2-29182981
Email / bloomydesign@gmail.com
地 址 / 231新北市新店區中正路328巷41號4樓
用花的綻放歷程寓意設計從概念到產品誕生的美麗蛻變,由萌芽生枝、含苞到綻開再到盛放,傳遞出「豐富生活好設計,綻放生活小創意。」 用心體驗生活週遭的點點滴滴,細心觀察與反思當中的議題與觀點,透過各種不同的設計角度重新詮釋屬於台灣特有的在地文化與屬於這片土地的美好回憶。 運用幽默詼諧、趣味的方式綻現出令人會心一笑且實用的創意商品,分享讓更多人知道台灣各地美好的人事物。
The name, “Bloomy,” was derived from the hope that our designs would bloom with the myriad of colors and appearances of flowers. The blooming process mirrors the beautiful transformation that occurs from the design of our concepts to the birth of our products. From budding to blooming, the ideal of “a richly led life along with good design blooms a little creativity” is conveyed.
We take the time to experience every aspect of our daily surroundings, observing every detail and reflecting upon issues and perspectives. Through a variety of design perspectives, beautiful memories that belong to the land and culture of Taiwan are re-interpreted. Through interesting methods tinged with a sense of humor, creative products are blossomed that bring smiles to people’s faces, yet feature practical functions for daily life. Sharing them enables even more people to get to know wonderful Taiwan.
The name, “Bloomy,” was derived from the hope that our designs would bloom with the myriad of colors and appearances of flowers. The blooming process mirrors the beautiful transformation that occurs from the design of our concepts to the birth of our products. From budding to blooming, the ideal of “a richly led life along with good design blooms a little creativity” is conveyed.
We take the time to experience every aspect of our daily surroundings, observing every detail and reflecting upon issues and perspectives. Through a variety of design perspectives, beautiful memories that belong to the land and culture of Taiwan are re-interpreted. Through interesting methods tinged with a sense of humor, creative products are blossomed that bring smiles to people’s faces, yet feature practical functions for daily life. Sharing them enables even more people to get to know wonderful Taiwan.